Cyber Security = Cyber Aware Employees
All the Cyber Security measures and counter measures are not going to mean much if your employees are not cyber aware. Like anything else in business, your people are the most valuable. If they are well trained, they will question and recognise phishing emails, illegitimate phone calls and they will stop an intruder trying to tailgate or piggyback them.
Most companies still use an online cyber awareness training that takes one or two hours to complete. However, a more in-depth cyber awareness training is needed. An on-site interactive workshop is needed. In a face-to-face training like this, people can connect with the trainer, ask questions, raise concerns and talk about personal cyber security encounters. People can “Enjoy” the journey and have a true learning experience. At the end of the course, they ideally sit an exam, which solidifies the concepts they have just learnt.
A course like this does not only cover matters like recognising suspicious emails but also best practices while working from home, like separating the Wi-Fi network used for kids online playing and that used for remote work, plus hiding the SSID for both networks. Also, such a course teaches employees how to set and store their passwords and that it is imperative to make their corporate password a unique one that must not be used elsewhere. Furthermore, such a course covers home IOT devices and how these devices should also be protected. For example, a “hacked” Smart TV at home is an easy access to the rest of the “home network”, which is now an extension of the “corporate network”.
We are reaching a point in business where employee Cyber Awareness has become a make or break. Before you invest in security technologies, you should start with training your people who are “if well trained” your business’ most effective defenders against Cyber Crimes and your true Achilles’ heel if you choose otherwise.
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